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What is BOPE Films?

BOPE Films is a dynamic film production company by young filmmakers, founded in 2021 by Bojan Petrovski, operating in Macedonia and Sweden. Our goal is to showcase our imagination and aspirations through captivating movies and series that are accessible to audiences in both Macedonian, Swedish, and English languages.


Our passion for creativity drives us to continuously strive for excellence in every aspect of our work. Ultimately, our ultimate goal is to share our vision with the world and to see our films on the silver screen, entertaining and inspiring audiences worldwide.


BOPE Films' founder, Bojan Petrovski, wrote his debut feature film in late 2022. The team is currently working on several upcoming projects, with Petrovski as the lead writer on some of them. These include "Grandpa and Me" (a drama inspired by true events), "A Ball in '73" (a whodunnit crime mystery) and "Je t'aime, dear" (a romantic fairy tale) among others. BOPE Films released a short film directed by Bojan Petrovski "Childhood" in October 2023, which won a Bronze Award at FADF Camera 300 in Bitola, Macedonia.

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